
Submissions Status

Please submit to one agent at a time with a maximum of two ALA agents per work.

Masha Gunic is not currently open to submissions.

Alexandra Weiss is now open to submissions!

T.S. Ferguson is not currently open to submissions.

Keir Alekseii is not currently open to submissions.

Shannon Lechon is not currently open to submissions.

Claire Draper is now open to submissions!

Thais Carreira Afonso is now open to submissions!

Jennifer Azantian is currently closed to unsolicited submissions with the exception of graphic novels (guidelines below).

Submission Form

To query Alex, please fill out her submissions form.

To query Claire, please fill out their submissions form.

To query Thais, please fill out their submissions form.

Jennifer is open to all children's graphic novels (young reader on through YA) across genres, specifically from author/illustrators (for now!). If you can make her feel like THE PRINCE AND THE DRESSMAKER did, you’ll have her. To query graphic novels, please fill out this submissions form using the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines and Formatting

For novel submissions:

  • Query Letter (format below)

Dear [Agent's Last Name],

[2-3 paragraphs in the third person that tells the agent about your project in a way that showcases your writing ability and style. Think back-cover copy or the inside flap of published books.]

[1 short paragraph of relevant biographical information and/or published works (not necessary if you don't have any)]

[closing/wrap-up sentence]


  • 1-2 page Synopsis
  • First 10 pages


For graphic novel submissions:

  • Query Letter (short introduction/pitch is fine)
  • Full Synopsis/Outline
  • First 10-20 pages of the script
  • 2-5 pages of sample art (in the same attachment) If the file is too large to attach, please provide a link to Google Drive, One Drive, an online gallery, or something similar in your query.
  • Character sketches (optional)